New Years Double Race Guide
REGISTRATION OPENS JUNE 13 ("LUCKY 13"). IT DOES TYPICALLY SELL OUT BEFORE RACE DAY SO DON'T DELAY! Sign up here at 8 PM CDT so you get the lowest entry fees and the lowest bib numbers!
New Years Double is all about celebrating getting active to end the calendar year on December 31st and then turning around and getting active on New Year's Day to start the new year off in a wonderful way! There is a 5K (3.1 miles), half marathon (13.1 miles), and marathon (26.2 miles) both days.
The 5K happens start to finish before the half and full marathon so people can further "double up" by running or walking two races each morning to earn more medals!
While you don't have to do both days, a majority do for two simple reasons:
It's in the spirit of the event as described in the first line above!
They want to earn a Challenge Plate. The Challenge Plate is a perk for doing certain combos of races both days. It is intended to be a challenge, hence the name. This is given in addition to the medal for each race, is earned automatically for completing certain multiple distances, and carries no additional cost. All of the race medals attach together with the Challenge Plate - in the past, the Plate has either been magnetic and the race medals attached via magnets, or it's been a hanging mobile where the medals hang from the Plate.
To encourage people to take on multiple days or multiple distances, we've added an incentive by giving 5% off all races you sign up for beyond the first one! (5% applied to the lowest entry fee races)
The Challenge Plate is available if you complete:
A 5K both days,
A half or full marathon each day (doesn't have to be the same distance both days), or
The Double-Double which is a 5K and a half or full marathon both days (for the half or full marathon, doesn't have to be the same distance both days).
In addition to a great race experience, a medal for each race, and the opportunity to earn a Challenge Plate, you get a race shirt for each day you race. We are a walker friendly event. There is fun camaraderie on this course as this has become an annual New Year's tradition for many local runners and walkers and their families!
Medals and Challenge Plates Through the Years
We have a different theme every year to keep it fresh, especially with such a high percentage of returning participants year after year! People typically don't want a wall of medals that all look the same!
Available on our Facebook page "New Years Double" linked to here...
Same schedule for both December 31 and January 1.
6:30 am to 7:00 am - Race Day Packet Pickup is available before you begin your race.
5K will begin at 7 am. This is NO wave start this year.
7:00 am to 8:30 am - Race Day Packet Pickup for the half and full marathon.
The Half Marathon and Marathon will begin at 8:30 am. This is NO wave start this year.
Parking is convenient and easy at the race site so those in the Double-Double (doing the 5K and a longer distance each day) can wait in their car between races.
At 2:00 pm, anyone who has not started their last loop will not be allowed to continue. This will be registered in the race results as a DNF (Did Not Finish) and will not earn a medal.
At 3:30 pm, the course closes.
Event Location, Parking, & Directions
All parking is at the race site. There are enough spots for all the runners in the 3 parking lots of Celebration Park. See the Parking Map here...
The address for the race site is:
Celebration Park, 701 N. Angel Parkway, Allen, Texas
Participant Limits
Over the years of New Years Double, we have grown the event a little each time and sold out weeks before race day. We anticipate to sell out again for this year's event.
New Year's Eve participant limit - 500 TOTAL.
New Year's Day participant limit - 400 TOTAL.

How The "Double" Works
The 5K starts and ends before the start of the half and full marathon to ease on-course congestion, allow families to participate more easily, and allow some truly crazy participants to complete two distances (5K and half or full marathon) each race day because more miles equals more fun! So there are many options for participating over the two days. You pick and choose if you want to do a combo of events over the two days to earn a Challenge Plate, in addition to your individual finisher medals.
Here are the combinations that earn a Challenge Plate:
Double 5K's - This is a great challenge if you've done a 5K before since most people don't race in or even participate in 5K races two days in a row.
Double "At Least 13.1 Miles" (Double Half Marathons, Double Full Marathons, or Half Marathon one day and Full Marathon the other) - This is a great challenge if you've done a half or full marathon tomorrow. You've done the distance, but could you do it two days in a row?
Double Double- Double 5Ks and Double Half Marathons, or Double 5K's and Double Marathons - The biggest challenge for maximizing the miles and racing 4 times in 2 days!
Let's talk more about these 3 options!
Double 5Ks - Our 5K is very popular with families. Children as young as 4 have done the double 5Ks to earn their medals and Double 5K Challenge Plates! It encourages them to get active, shows them the fun of a race environment, and is a great family activity. Remember that our races aren't just walker friendly, they're celebrated as much as the fastest runners!
It's also a great challenge for those new to running and walking. Train to complete a 5K two days in a row, and it might even inspire you to pursue double half marathons for next year! We have a special, LOWER entry fee available for children doing double 5Ks. For most of them, they aren't interested in the race shirt and are most excited for the medals and Challenge Plate, so we remove the shirt and lower the price in the Kids entry version! Keeping it more affordable for families!
Combinations Double "At Least 13.1 Miles" - Double Half Marathons, Double Full Marathons, or Half Marathon one day and Full Marathon the other - These participants are completing at least 13.1 miles each day. With several months planning, there are many of you out there who CAN train to complete this Challenge. Half Fanatics enjoy the double half marathons to level up their Fanatic status, and Marathon Maniacs enjoy the double full marathons to level up their Maniac status. Ultramarathoners enjoy using the races as training for a longer distance event where a second day's long run on tired legs is excellent training. And everyone who does this loves getting the large Half-Full Challenge Plate we give for all those who accept and complete the Challenge of big distance to end one year and to start the next!
Marathon Maniacs Members can achieve Iridium Level (4 Stars) by completing a marathon both days of the New Years Double race weekend. Don't forget to add your attendance to the Maniacs Race Calendar.
Half Fanatics Members can achieve Jupiter Level (4 Planets) by completing a half marathon both days of the New Years Double race weekend. Don't forget to add your attendance to the Fanatics Race Calendar.
Double Double - A certain amount of entries are available for those who want to do a Double Double - Double 5Ks and then Double "At Least 13.1 Miles" (half or full marathon each day). Because the 5K is run before the half and full marathon start each day, you can actually compete in 2 races each day. That's a choice over two days of completing
32.4 miles (3.1 + 3.1 + 13.1 + 13.1),
45.5 miles (3.1 + 3.1 + 13.1 + 26.2), or
58.6 miles (3.1 + 3.1 + 26.2 + 26.2),
AND take home 4 medals and the Challenge Plate that holds all 4 medals for the achievement! You will still get one tech shirt for Eve AND one tech shirt for Day, even though you are running 4 races. 2 race days = 2 shirts. Though you are getting less shirts, you're counting much more BLING, and this is included already in the entry fee determination.
On both New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, we offer the following distances:
Marathon – 4 loops of the 6.55-mile course
Half Marathon – 2 loops of the 6.55-mile course
5K – a shortened version of the loop course
Participants will be on paved-concrete city trail 8 to 10 feet wide at all times during this race.
For the half marathon and marathon: The course is 6.55 miles out-and-back which is then run 2 times for the half marathon and half marathon relay, and 4 times for the marathon.
The marathon is not a Boston Qualifier. We were a qualifier for 10 years, but USATF requires you to completely go through the measuring and certification process every 10 years which is very costly. We don't typically have anyone using our race as a qualifier so we made the decision in 2022 not to recertify the course. Because it was previously measured and certified, we know the length is true and accurate.
The 5K is a reduced version of the half marathon single loop, turning around early.
Course Description
The course starts and finishes in one of the City of Allen Parks Department’s crown jewels, Celebration Park. Celebration Park is 99 acres and Allen’s newest Community Park. Phase I was completed in 2003 in time for the 50th Anniversary of Allen’s charter. Phase II was completed in 2010. The park’s amenities include lighted baseball and soccer fields, the enormous Kid Mania community-built playground and adjoining sprayground, lighted tennis courts, and a large sport court. This is the park where Allen hosts anywhere from 50,000 to 85,000 area residents each year for its AllenUSA celebration around the July 4th holiday.
The Kid Mania playground looks like about 5 or 6 large playgrounds all connected together. This is extremely close to the start/finish and a great place for the kids to play (supervised) while a parent is running the race.
Interestingly, the sprayground right next to the Kid Mania playground is one of the first projects the beneficiary of this race, the Allen Parks Foundation, tackled after it was formed. Proceeds from the New Year’s Double will allow the Allen Parks Foundation to explore and implement more major community projects in future years! Of course, for the time of year of this race, the sprayground is closed for the winter.

Half Marathon and Full Marathon:
Runners will circle through Celebration Park for the first 2 miles before taking a short ramp into a tunnel running under Angel Parkway. Another short ramp on the other side of the lighted tunnel and you are on Celebration Pass Trail which opened in June 2011. This trail is straight as an arrow for over a mile.
Cross a bridge, with a pond and a fountain as part of your scenery, take a right where the trail forks, and you’ll find yourself at Stacy Ridge Park, a cute neighborhood park for residents of northeast Allen. At 14.7 acres in size, Stacy Ridge Park has a covered pavilion, picnic tables, playground, and basketball courts. The trail naturally loops around here for a gentle race turnaround!
Runners will then travel back the way they came. Upon re-entering Celebration Park, it’s another mile back to the start/finish area. Half Marathon participants head out for one more loop, and Marathon participants will do this loop 4 times total.
5K participants will enjoy a shortened out-and-back course that stays within Celebration Park.

Course Maps
Here is a another mapping of the route, with elevation profile. Click the 3D button on the right side of the map to see an aerial flyover of the course!
All courses subject to potential significant change!
Elevation Profile:
The course is flat, with a small ramp into and out of a tunnel that runs beneath Angel Parkway.
Minimum elevation of 640 feet, maximum elevation of 690 feet.
Time Limit:
The 5K must be completed by 8:20 am.
The half marathon and full marathon must be completed by 3:30 pm.
Race Details
Aid Stations
Every aid station has water and sport drink. On each 6.55-mile loop, they hit Aid Station A twice at around mile 2 and 5.5, and Aid Station B at mile 3.8.
The 5K hit Aid Station A at around mile 2.
Our water has been generously provided by Crazy Water. They create many levels of all-natural mineral water.
Our race will be using “Crazy Water #2” which tastes much like tap or bottled water but still has a low level of mineral content infused.
Bag Check / Drop Bags
Since there is onsite parking, there will be no bag check.
For Half and Full Marathoners ONLY: There will be a roped-off area for “drop bags” or “special needs bags”. Participants leave a bag in this unattended area so that they may access it right by the course at the end of a loop as needed. Participants leave these bags at their own risk, as the area will not be regularly supervised or the entry controlled or restricted. We highly suggest you not put anything valuable in this area. The event and its producers are not responsible for any contents that are lost or stolen. Drop bags must be the size of a standard small sportsack, basically the size of a filled plastic grocery sack. A brightly colored bag will be easier for you to find between loops.
Again, this is not a bag check area, and not for use by 5K participants.
There are indoor restroom locations at the race site as well as portapotties for before the race.
See our Course Maps for restroom / portalet locations at the site and on the course.
Medals / Challenge Plates
All finishers receive a gorgeous colored finisher's medal. When you finish, go to the tent and check in to receive your medal.
On New Year's Day, after your race, check in at the tent if eligible for a Challenge Plate to pick up yours!
There is no formal award ceremony. Check in after your race to receive your award. Awards are breakable and will NOT be mailed,
Here are the award categories:
Marathon - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Open Male & Female & Non-Binary, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Masters Male & Female & Non-Binary, First Place Male & Female for Age groups 00-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60+. First Place in Clydesdale (males where each weighs more than 195 lbs) and Athena (women where each weighs more than 150 lbs).
Half Marathon - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Open Male & Female & Non-Binary, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Masters Male & Female & Non-Binary, First Place Male & Female for Age groups 00-12, 13-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70+. First Place in Clydesdale (males where each weighs more than 195 lbs) and Athena (women where each weighs more than 150 lbs).
5K - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Open Male & Female & Non-Binary, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Masters Male & Female & Non-Binary, Top 3 Males & Females for Age groups 00-12, 13-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70+. Top 3 in Clydesdale (males where each weighs more than 195 lbs) and Athena (women where each weighs more than 150 lbs).
* See our Non-Binary Athlete Entrant Policy for more information.
Clydesdale and Athena divisions are their own award division like the age groups so they will not have their results shown with their age group and will not be eligible for age group awards.
The event will be chip timed. The "chip" is actually a tag attached to the back of the race bib. Unlike shoe chip tags, there are no special instructions for the bib tag. They do not have to be looped a specific way, nor is there possible runner mishandling that can compromise RFID timing.
Some tips that enhance reader sensitivity, all of which are very standard practices:
Bibs need to be worn to ensure race timing. If they do not wear a bib, they do not receive a time.
Bibs should be worn on the front of the body.
Bibs should not be worn on their side. We should be able to read the number horizontally.
Bibs should be worn visible to anyone observing, so on the exterior of clothing. If youwear a jacket and place the bib underneath, it can help if you expose the underlying bib upon mat-crossing to enhance reader sensitivity. This is usually only a precaution.
Bibs should not be crumpled up and placed inside runner's clothing.
Packet Pickup
Days and Hours for Packet Pickup
Packet pickup will be available prior to the race as well as race day morning. There is very limited packet pickup on December 30 to allow our small business to get ready to bring you a great event again this year!
To facilitate a smooth operation event morning, we encourage all participants to pick up your packet before race day.
We will NOT mail any packet pickup items to those who don't show up to any packet pickup time. All event shirts are available to late entrants (who may have signed up too late to get a shirt) as soon as that race distance begins.
You will need to know your assigned number for your NYD Unique ID - which will be posted on the website before the first packet pickup opportunity.
FIRST PACKET PICKUP OPPORTUNITY - Sunday, December 29, 1:00 to 4:00 pm:
BY APPOINTMENT ONLY (MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT HERE in December when the link is updated)
City of Allen Parks & Recreation, Municipal Courts Building - Community Room
301 Century Parkway
Allen, Texas 75013
SECOND PACKET PICKUP OPPORTUNITY - Monday, December 30, 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
701 N. Angel Parkway
Allen, Texas 75002
Yes, we'll have moved everything over to the race site on this day, so we'll offer a very bare bones packet pickup, especially designed for those who just came into town and don't want the hassle of picking up race day morning.
Do NOT expect to pick up a packet before 3 pm or after 5 pm. Packet pickup will only be during those hours.
701 N. Angel Parkway
Allen, Texas
Pick up your packet 6:30 am or later AND before you start your race. If you do not pick up your packet before your first race of the day starts, you will forfeit all items in your packet.

NYD ID Number
The listing of registrants will have an Entrant ID assigned for every individual. If you register early enough, you will likely have the same bib number each day if you're running both days. Later registrants will have different bib numbers by day. Our race packets contain all of your race bibs and race shirts, so we use an independent ID number not tied directly to each day's bib number.
Bring your Entrant ID number to packet pickup - write it down or save it on your phone. This is the number you tell the packet pickup volunteer.
A few other important notes about packet pickup:
You will be given two bibs if you are participating both days, and one bib says "EVE" and one says "DAY". Those doing Double-Double will have 1 bib to wear for both races that day - the bib has two chip timing tags on the back.
Be patient with our volunteers or any lines. With multiple days and distances and shirts and bibs, it's a complex process for our kind volunteers.
Make sure you collect ALL your bibs. One for each day.
Kids don't receive shirts if they signed up at the Kids' Double 5K price (hence the lower entry fee).
Those who registered late and chose "No Guaranteed Shirt" will not receive a shirt at packet pickup. But AFTER your race each day, head over to packet pickup and show the "No Guaranteed Shirt" label on your bib, and you can choose from any shirts that remain WHILE they remain.
Double Double folks get ONE shirt for EACH day.
You may NOT change your shirt size at packet pickup. The shirts are all already allocated to registered individuals. After the race, you can try to swap your shirt from whatever remains.
Packets will not be mailed. Once packet pickup on your race day is closed, your packet is forfeit.
Bring a signed note if you are picking up for someone else. And have their bib number!
Your packet will contain your racing bib(s), safety pins, event shirt(s), and the timing chip (which is attached to the back of your race bib). Our packets are simple. We will not have maps or any other website information available printed out at packet pickup or in your race packet. It's environmental wasteful. It is your responsibility to print off the info you or spectating family/friends will need from our website.
The shirts are all already allocated to our registrations. You must take the shirt size you registered for. You may bring the unworn shirt to the race and swap after that day's race. We'll set up an area in the post-race tent for that purpose. At that point, we can swap out of the packets of those who did not pick up.
If you have any changes needed to your race details, email us!
Host Hotels
Note: There are no hotels within walking distance of the race site. Make sure you have ground transportation arranged.
No discounted group blocks are currently set up with these hotels.
Courtyard Marriott Dallas/Allen at the John Q. Hammonds Center
210 E Stacy Road
Allen, Texas
There are restaurants within walking distance of the hotel.
Hampton Inn & Suites - Dallas Allen
830 West Stacy Road
Allen, Texas
There are restaurants within walking distance of the hotel.
La Quinta Inn & Suites Allen
1220 North Central Expressway
Allen, Texas
Ground/Air Transportation
A car will be needed to get from the hotel to the race site (all hotel options are 2+ miles away). There will be no shuttle service arranged, as we expect the vast majority of attendees to be locals or have rented a car for the trip from the airport.
Allen, Texas is served by two area airports: Dallas-Love Field (DAL) is the smaller one where Southwest Airlines flies out of, and then all other airlines fly through Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport (DFW).
Directions from DAL Airport to the race site - 30 miles, approx. 45 minutes
Directions from DFW Intl Airport to the race site - 36 miles, approx. 48 minutes

Race Results
Current Results
These results sites have ads at the top and bottom which we can't control. Do not click the ads, we will never ask for your personal info or credit card info to give you race results!
2024/2025 Race day results - available here race day!
Results will be posted when available at this link. Results are final after 10 days. Email results' problems or questions to results@allsportstiming.com
Check your results before you leave to see if you won an award. There is no formal award ceremony; just collect it at the Admin tent. Awards will not be mailed.
Email requests to pick up your award to info@newyearsdouble.com - a window of a few days will be made available for you to come pick it up.
Past Results
These results sites have ads at the top and bottom which we can't control. Do not click the ads, we will never ask for your personal info or credit card info to give you race results!
2023/2024 Results (for both December 31, 2023 and January 1, 2024)
2022/2023 Results (for both December 31, 2022 and January 1, 2023)
2021/2022 Results (for both December 31, 2021 and January 1, 2022)
2020/2021 Results (for both December 31, 2020 and January 1, 2021)
2019/2020 Results (for both December 31, 2019 and January 1, 2020)
2018/2019 Results (for both December 31, 2018 and January 1, 2019)
2017/2018 Results (for both December 31, 2017 and January 1, 2018)
2016/2017 Results (for both December 31, 2016 and January 1, 2017)
2015/2016 Results (for both December 31, 2015 and January 1, 2016)
2014/2015 Results (for both December 31, 2014 and January 1, 2015)
2013/2014 Results (for both December 31, 2013 and January 1, 2014)
2012/2013 Results (for both December 31, 2012 and January 1, 2013)
2011/2012 Results (for both December 31, 2011 and January 1, 2012)
January 1, 2011 Overall Half Marathon Results
January 1, 2011 Age Group Half Marathon Results
Registration & Policies
Entry fees are set in tiers so the price goes up as more people register. So sign up fast to pay the lowest entry fee!
This race has a cap for each distance, and the entry fees are structured as pricing tiers based on how full the distance is to capacity.
Yes, we have a virtual option! Maybe you aren't local, or maybe you have to work on race day, but you can still participate and earn your shirts, medals, and Challenge Plates: Learn about the virtual option
There is a 5% discount for each race you sign up for beyond the first one! It rewards those who want to take on the challenge of both days! (5% applied to the lowest entry fee races)
This event is super family friendly! If you have a family of 5 or more, please reach out via email if you need a little help on your total entry fee!
5K EACH DAY (for Adults) - see details on this registration option. Gets a tech shirt AND a medal for each race day (different shirt/medal each day) and makes you eligible for a Challenge Plate if you run certain distances both days. There is no additional charge for the Challenge Plate if you earn one.
Introductory entry fee - First 50: $47.50 (per race day)
Next entry fee - Next 100: $50 (per race day)
Next entry fee for a limited number of entries: $52.50 (per race day)
Beginning December 28, if not sold out: $55 (per race day)
5K EACH DAY (for Kids 12 and Under) - Lower Cost / No Shirt Option - We understand that entry fees add up when you are signing up a family. For many children, the emphasis is completely on the medal at the finish line and not on the shirt for signing up. And especially with this race, as the large Challenge Plate for doing a 5K each day is very enticing, and motivating, for kids! We also do not offer children's shirt sizes since these are non-cotton shirts (technical or tri-blend fabric). Therefore, kids get no shirt, still get the medal/Plate, and you get a lower enty fee to help our families.
$25 Each Race Day ($20-$30 less than the adult price)
Half or Full Marathon EACH DAY - see details on this registration option. Gets a technical fabric or soft tri-blend fabric shirt AND a medal for each race day (different shirt/medal each day) and makes you eligible for a Challenge Plate if you run certain distances both days. There is no additional charge for the Challenge Plate if you earn one.
Introductory entry fee - First 50: $90 (per race day)
Next entry fee for a limited number of entries: $95 (per race day)
Next entry fee for a limited number of entries: $100 (per race day)
Beginning December 28, if not sold out: $110 (per race day)
Pricing tiers are ALWAYS subject to change at any point.
Register by October 20th to get your name personalized on your bib. See Perks here...
Wait List
Each distance will have a wait list once a day/distance combo sells out. Preference is always given to currently preregistered participants switching into a day/distance over those on the wait list.
There is no entry fee associated with getting on the wait list. Any processing fee by the registration system is separate, and their charge is to maintain your information in a database and keep your credit card information confidential for the case where you could come off the list.
No one will come off the wait list until the deadline for refunds has passed (December 1). We will then go through the wait list in order by interest for those open day/distance combinations, if any, on December 2 and fill any remaining slots.
We will email you if you come off the wait list, and you will have 24 hours to approve or decline the entry and associated entry fee.
We do not publish or answer how long the wait list is. No one can predict how many refunds we will have requested for each distance and day combo, so knowing how long the list is has no practical use.
We are one of very few races that allow refunds (up until the deadline of two days before the race). Because of that, and the logistics of managing things for an operation run by only one person, transfers and deferrals are not an option.
If you request to move to a virtual race, there will be no refund of the entry fee difference, and it is subject to the Race Director's availability to ship the package and what available shirts and medals we have. Do not ask to move to a virtual race AFTER December 10.
Refunds will be processed for all those requested by December 28th. Email us to request a refund. If you cancel your race and do not request a refund, it will be considered a donation to the race organization and its charitable endeavors. Your refund will have an administration fee deducted - one fee per person, regardless of the number of races you are signed up for at this event.
Refunds will be subject to a $20 administration fee until October 1st
Refunds will be subject to a $30 administration fee until November 1st
Refunds will be subject to a $40 admin fee after that until December 1st.
Refunds will be subject to a $45 admin fee after that until the end of December 28th. Refunds will be processed after the race for those requesting in the week before the race.
This is a small race production company, and it takes time and effort to process refunds on top of an already long to-do list of race-related items.
Switching Days/Distances
Down/up-grades/Day changes by existing participants will be accepted until December 28th and only while bibs and medals/plates remain available for that day/distance combo.
Our top priority in the case-by-case decisions to allow distance changes as requested will be to make sure that, no matter your speed, you receive the medal for the distance you signed up to complete, should you complete it. Luckily, in ordering medals, we account in our order for the chance that some people may want to switch. But of course, we can't have 500 entrants all switch to the 5K - there just wouldn't be medals for everyone.
There is no refund of the difference in entry fees if you switch down to a shorter distance.
Bib Transfers and Entry Deferrals
Because we have an extensive refund policy where most races offer no refund opportunities, we will not allow bib transfers or entry deferrals. After registering, should your plans change, up until the deadlines above, you can
Request a refund in which we will pull off the wait list for the next person if the race is sold out
Switch race distances as long as it can be accommodated
Note that it is never okay to allow someone to else to use your bib. This can lead to serious liability and medical risks in the chance of emergency and jeopardize the future of the event for everyone. Those who give their bib to another and those who are not registered and accept a bib from a registered participant may be subject to future ban from The Active Joe events.
Rules and Items Participants Agree To By Entering Into This Event
Failure to follow these can result in disqualification or potential future ban from The Active Joe events:
See our Transgender Entrant Policy which applies to all races produced by The Active Joe and seeks to support, include, and protect the privacy of the transgender athletes who attend our races.
See our Non-Binary Athlete Entrant Policy which applies to all races produced by The Active Joe and seeks to create a supportive and inclusive environment for our non-binary athletes and addresses how those with a Non-binary gender will be handled in the registration and timing processes.
No Race Day Registration.
No dogs or strollers are allowed on the race course.
Runners and walkers are both welcome, as long as you can finish your chosen race distance by the time limit! With two days of events, we sadly can’t offer extended course hours. It's already a very long race week, race days, and post-race cleanup for our crew!
Registration policies may change at any time as needed for the success of the event.
The race course posted online is never considered final and can undergo significant change up until the start of each day's race.
Awards not picked up at the award ceremony will not be mailed as they are very fragile.
BANDITS (UNREGISTERED PARTICIPANTS) - This is a private event, so unregistered participants are not allowed. "Banditting" (as this action is referred to) is frowned upon in the running community and unfair to the runners who paid for the opportunity to participate. Race entry fees go for a lot more than water on a course, medals at the finish line, and a shirt in your race packet. It also exposes an event to serious liability risk. It stresses race resources that were calibrated for the sold-out number of participants and therefore can put other participants', the paid participants, health or safety at risk. Those who bandit any portion of the race may be banned from future events by The Active Joe.
UNREGISTERED PACERS - Unregistered pacers are expressly prohibited in this event. In our definition, an unregistered pacer means a runner who does not have a race entry who joins into the race for at least a mile of the course to help support another runner who is registered. Besides presenting an unfair competitive advantage to one runner, regardless of whether you are a competitive participant or not, it creates a huge traffic issue on the course if this rule is disregarded. Anyone found using an unregistered pacer will be disqualified from the race.
USING SOMEONE ELSE'S RACE BIB - Note that it is never okay to allow someone else to use your bib. This can lead to serious liability and medical risks in the chance of emergency and jeopardize the future of the event for everyone.
Our primary goal is to provide a safe event for participants, volunteers, and the community alike. If something arises that threatens that safety, then a) the event will be altered as it is reasonably possible without stressing other resources, b) the events may be delayed during the morning, or c) the event may be canceled. The event can not be rescheduled for another date due to resource availability in the event of cancellation.
Event shirts not picked up at packet pickup or race day will not be mailed.
*Everything on this website is subject to change up to and including race day.