We had so many things to celebrate this year! We had terrific finish rates in our longest distances (69% in the 100 miler, 82% in the 100K). The men's and women's course records were broken. We had 4 of our 100-milers go sub-24 hours. 119 finishers finished their race distance for the very first time! And for 20% of finishers, it was their first trail race ever. Read on for details on each celebratory item.
Course Records Broken

Tyler Thorne broke the course record by 13 minutes (previously 21:27 held by Trevor Meding) with a 21:14, earning his second Sub-24 Hour buckle here after winning Dino Valley 100 Miler last year with a time of 23:49. He is currently the only person out there to have 2 sub-24 hour Dino Valley buckles! And he did it all while wearing these spiffy rooster-covered shorts!

Jackie Rust of Providence Village, TX (left) and Alyssa Girardo of Ogden, UT (right) broke the course record for the women in the 100 miler (previously set last year by Heather Gothard with a 25:36) after running the entire race together. Officially, Jackie was able to claim the course record AND first place overall female when her chip time showed her one second ahead of Alyssa, but they both deserve all the credit for taking 2 HOURS AND 7 MINUTES off the course record and bringing it to sub-24 hours for the first time with a 23:28:52. Jackie is now the first woman to have both a sub-24 hour 100 mile buckle AND a standard 100 mile buckle from our race. And fun fact, this was Jackie’s first 100 miler last year, AND I believe this year’s race was Alyssa’s first 100 miler!
Sub-24 Hour 100 Mile Finishes

We've never had more than 1 sub-24 hour finish in the 100 miler in a year. This year, we had 4!! The 3 mentioned above and 2nd place male winner Ben Evans in a 23:36. Last year's women's 100 miler winner, Heather Gothard, actually jumped in to pace Ben a loop, and with his goal of sub-24 hour in his head, he worked hard the whole race to get it done!!
First Time Tackling This Race Distance

119 finishers were finishing their chosen race distance for the VERY FIRST TIME! For those in the 100 miler, 56% of the finishers made Dino Valley their first 100!!! For those in the 100K, it was even higher - 64% of finishers!
We are so flattered that they trusted us with their first finish in that distance. We hope the memories will keep them coming back to the race in the future - if not to run it again, then to volunteer, pace, and crew to help so many more people finish this race!!
100 Mile First Timers: Armando Arellano, Christina Armstrong, Whitney Clift, Cameron Coates, Greg Donahue, Monica Flores, Ricky Garza, Alyssa Girardo, Heather Levinson, Thomas Monte, Thomas Perkins, Joe Robinett, Misti Thomas, Modesto Villanueva III, Sasha Williams.
100K First Timers: Steve Arnott, Chad Bingham, Yadira Bobadilla, Charles Bowers, Juan Colmenero, Benjamin Croes, Jonathan Ellis, Sheila Gibson, Gilbert Gross, Brandon Miller, Brandon Nussbaum, Billy Phillips, Robin Qubty, Chase Ransdell, Gabe Rosas, Luke Shover, Travis Trachta,Donovan Unsell, Stanley Wheeler.
50K First Timers: Manuel Alonso, Jennifer Beck, Trenton Darrow, Kimberly Endo, Andrea Ferrara, Harrison Gibson, Samantha Hall, Paul Hamilton, Rebecca Hamilton, Jerica Jaramillo, Becca Knutson, Brandon Konen, Tam Le, Peter Louis, Rocky Lusby, Matt Mangum, Levi Miller, Stephanie Morgan, Deril Oliver, Jeffrey Peters, James Ranspot, Austin Robinett, Dayna White, Daniel Wilson, Bernd Zechmann.
25K First Timers: Matthew Albin, Trace Anderson, Paul Baker, Cody Bedwell, Ron Beiswanger, Tylar Brooks, Shenice Copenhaver, Faith Giraud, Ac Hale, Christina Hamill, Jon Hamman, Mendy Hattaway, Hanna Houston, John Kelley, Christine Kimball, Wes Kimball, Jazmine Lumbrera, Jeremy Martin, Amy Marvin, Paul Mello, Shanna Mello, Lauren Mullins, Luis Munoz, Michael Peterson, Colleen Rebant, Suzanne Richmond, Melissa Sandler, Chris Slaboda, Jennifer Slaboda, Paula Smith, Kevin Stilley, Michael Valtierra, Priscilla Valtierra, Jessica Vandyke, Ashley Voss, John Weldon.
5 Mile First Timers: Laura Alcorn, Henley Baker, Renee Baker, Ellen Bennett, Daniel Brunson, Kaaren Curtis, Jeff Davis, Randall Douglas, Shonda Douglas, Dylan Francisco, Evan Francisco, Rachel Gilliam, Jay Hall, Lichele Hudman, Alejandra Keron, Tina Marvin, Brady Miller, Kathy Mixson, Antonia Rivera, Stephanie Rogers, Jordan Rust, Kylee Rust, Hafiza Tithi, Michael Zidek.
First Trail Race EVER
20% of our finishers were doing their first ever trail race. Congratulations to them for taking on such a challenging trail for their first trail race!
First Trail Race - 100 Mile Finisher: Monica Flores.
First Trail Race - 100K Finisher: Billy Phillips.
First Trail Race - 50K Finisher: Trenton Darrow, Rebecca Hamilton, Jerica Jaramillo, Becca Knutson, Brandon Konen, Peter Louis, Matt Mangum, Levi Miller, Stephanie Morgan, Kyle Nelson, Deril Oliver, Austin Robinett, Wesley Smith, Dayna White, Niki Yarborough, Bernd Zechmann.
First Trail Race - 25K Finisher: Matthew Albin, Tylar Brooks, Larry Cohen, Virginia Cohen, Faith Giraud, Jon Hamman, Mendy Hattaway, Kristyn Langdon, Roy Lyons, Jeremy Martin, Lauren Mullins, Luis Munoz, Michael Peterson, Melissa Sandler, Ashley Voss, John Weldon.
First Trail Race - 5 Mile Finisher: Laura Alcorn, Henley Baker, Grace Canny, Jeff Davis, Randall Douglas, Shonda Douglas, Dylan Francisco, Evan Francisco, Jessica Galvan, Rachel Gilliam, Jana Hall, Elizabeth Handschuch, Lichele Hudman, Matthew Kean, Blake Kent, Isaac Konen, Kyla Konen, Kelsey Marvin, Tina Marvin, Brady Miller, Lacy Miller, Priscilla Reese, Antonia Rivera, Stephanie Rogers, Carlos Sosa, Hafiza Tithi, Christine Zidek, Michael Zidek.
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