December 31, 2025 - January 1, 2026
New Years Double
Registration opens Monday, February 10, at 8 pm CST.
Registration will open Monday, February 10, at 8:00 PM Central Standard Time.
As with all The Active Joe races, bib numbers are assigned in order of signup, so the lowest numbers for those most enthusiastic who sign up first!
You can personalize your bib with any nickname until October 1st.
Mail-in registration is not available.
Virtual Option
Yes, we have a virtual option! Maybe you aren't local, or maybe you have to work on race day, but you can still participate and earn your shirts, medals, and Challenge Platesover a 20 day period: Learn about the virtual option

Entry Fees
Our entry fees go up based on how many have already signed up!
See details on each registration option. Except for the Kids' 5K, you get a technical fabric or soft tri-blend fabric shirt each race day. All distances get a medal for each race day (different shirt/medal each day). You are eligible for a Challenge Plate if you run certain distances both days. There is no additional charge for the Challenge Plate if you earn one.
This event is super family friendly! If you have a family of 5 or more, please reach out via email if you need a little help on your total entry fee!
5K EACH DAY (for Adults)
With a Finisher Medal!
First entry fee tier - first 50: $47.50 (CURRENT TIER)
Second entry fee tier - next 100: $52.50
Third entry fee tier - limited qty.: $57.50
Beginning December 28, if not sold out: $57.50
5K EACH DAY (for Kids)
Lower Cost / No Shirt Option
$22.50 Each Race Day (about $30 less than the adult price)
Half Marathon or Full Marathon (per race day)
First entry fee tier: $90 (CURRENT TIER)
Second entry fee tier: $95
Third entry fee tier: $100
Fourth entry fee tier: $115
Final tier or if not sold out, Race week entry fee tier: $125
*All entry fees subject to change.
We are one of very few races that allow refunds (up until the deadline of three days before the race). Because of that, and the logistics of managing things for an operation run by only one person, transfers and deferrals are not an option.
If you request to move to a virtual race, there will be no refund of the entry fee difference, and it is subject to the Race Director's availability to ship the package and what available shirts and medals we have. Do not ask to move to a virtual race AFTER December 10.
Refunds will be processed for all those requested by December 28th. Email us to request a refund. If you cancel your race and do not request a refund, it will be considered a donation to the race organization and its charitable endeavors. Your refund will have an administration fee deducted - one fee per person, regardless of the number of races you are signed up for at this event.
Refunds will be subject to a $20 administration fee until October 1st
Refunds will be subject to a $30 administration fee until November 1st
Refunds will be subject to a $40 admin fee after that until December 1st.
Refunds will be subject to a $45 admin fee after that until the end of December 28th. Refunds will be processed after the race for those requesting in the week before the race. This is a small race production company, and it takes time and effort to process refunds on top of an already long to-do list of race-related items.
Uterine Change Refund Policy
So while some races have started to offer a Pregnancy Deferral Policy, we take it one step further to create even more equity when training and racing can come with extra complications for those with female reproductive systems because those individuals can go through physical and emotional changes that make training or racing more difficult to plan for and more difficult to accomplish! Our Uterine Change Refund Policy says that if you have an expected or unexpected start or end to a pregnancy after registering for the race and you need to cancel your entry, we'll refund 100% of your entry fee, not subject to our usual admin fee listed in the Refunds section. Email us and cite the policy - no additional info has to be volunteered, we trust our runners this offer won't be abused - and we'll get that refund to you.
Bib Transfers and Entry Deferrals
Because we have an extensive refund policy where most races offer no refund opportunities, we will not allow bib transfers or entry deferrals. After registering, should your plans change, up until the deadlines above, you can
Request a refund in which we will pull off the wait list for the next person if the race is sold out
Switch race distances as long as it can be accommodated
Note that it is never okay to allow someone to else to use your bib. This can lead to serious liability and medical risks in the chance of emergency and jeopardize the future of the event for everyone. Those who give their bib to another and those who are not registered and accept a bib from a registered participant may be subject to future ban from The Active Joe events.
Wait List
Sellout was close enough to race day that we will not have a wait list in 2024.
Each distance will have a wait list once a day/distance combo sells out. Preference is always given to currently preregistered participants switching into a day/distance over those on the wait list.
There is no entry fee associated with getting on the wait list. Any processing fee by the registration system is separate, and their charge is to maintain your information in a database and keep your credit card information confidential for the case where you could come off the list.​
We will email you if you come off the wait list, and you will have 24 hours to approve or decline the entry and associated entry fee.
We do not publish or answer how long the wait list is. No one can predict how many refunds we will have requested for each distance and day combo, so knowing how long the list is has no practical use.
Switching Days or Distances
Down/up-grades/Day changes by existing participants will be accepted until December 28th and only while bibs and medals/plates remain available for that day/distance combo.
Our top priority in the case-by-case decisions to allow distance changes as requested will be to make sure that, no matter your speed, you receive the medal for the distance you signed up to complete, should you complete it. Luckily, in ordering medals, we account in our order for the chance that some people may want to switch. But of course, we can't have 500 entrants all switch to the 5K - there just wouldn't be medals for everyone.
There is no refund of the difference in entry fees if you switch down to a shorter distance.
Dropping Down Distance Mid-race
No dropdowns allowed mid-race in any distance. If you can't finish your race distance, please inform the race staff so that we know you are off the course and so it is recorded.